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Our Lady's College, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co. Louth


Green-Schools is an international environmental education programme and award scheme that promotes and acknowledges long-term, whole-school action for the environment.

Green-Schools fosters a strong sense of citizenship and leadership among participants that spreads far outside the school into the wider community. It also promotes a strong sense of teamwork among teachers, pupils and the wider community to reach a common high-level goal. It brings pupils into the decision-making process and makes them responsible for their decisions and actions. In fact it could be best described as being ‘more than the sum of its parts’. In Our Lady’s College, no effort is spared on the part of teachers and pupils to achieve these standards in caring for our shared environment.

Green-Schools Committee - Action Plan 2022/2023

The Green-Schools Committee is doing its best to ‘Keep Greenhills Green'. This involves meeting every 2 weeks on a Wednesday lunchtime to work on our Action Plan. Our focus this year is ‘Energy'  Our Action Plan, which is up on our noticeboard in the main corridor includes a checklist of what we want to have achieved by the end of the 2023 term.  Over the past few months we have been able to check off many items from our list including…

  • A large mixed recycling bin on every corridor in the school.
  • 40ltr mixed recycling and organic waste bins for the Staff Room.
  • A labelled 'PAPER ONLY' recycling bin for the Photocopying Room.
  • Labelled Recycling Bins for both the Graphics and Art Rooms.
  • A built-in water bottle fountain outside the Seminar Rooms.
  • Promoted the usage of reusable water bottles throughout the school.

We realise that we can only achieve all of our aims if everybody in the school is on board so we would like to thank all of the students, teachers, Gerry, Cafeteria ladies and cleaning staff for all of your support so far. However, this is only the start. There is a lot more to do in the months and years ahead to Keep Greenhills Green! New members are always welcome!
