Lunchtime Club
The Lunchtime club is a learning and study facility.
It is available in Mater Divinae Gratiae classroom at lunchtime on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays @ 1:15 – 2:00pm
All students are welcome.
There is always a teacher on hand to help students with their work.
Students may use computers in the room for their school work.
A touch typing course is available all through the school year to help students improve their keyboard skills.
Other learning opportunities are organised throughout the year, e.g. Spelling and Grammer modules, Maths Skills, Revision Techniques etc.
Supervised Evening Study
Supervised Study is available on four evenings per week at a nominal cost.
This facility is open to students in all years.
Students are able to work in a quiet environment without distractions from 4 – 6 pm.