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Our Lady's College, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co. Louth

School Self-Evaluation Report

Evaluation period: September 2015-May 2016

1 Introduction

1.1The focus of the evaluation.

A school self-evaluation of teaching and learning in subject areas and school related programmes in Our Lady’s College, Greenhills was undertaken during the period August 2015 to May 2016. During the evaluation, teaching and learning in the following curriculum areas were evaluated with emphasis on first/second year progress.


  • The self-evaluation encompassed a detailed review and analysis of literacy in the school and how the teaching and learning in all subjects supports the acquisition of literacy.
  • Oral Literacy was targeted for improvement through our new initiative “Operation Oracy”. Words of the week and drop everything and read were also evaluated in order to discern their effect and support within the school.


    • Maths competency tests were administrated to first year students. Base tests were administrated in September 2015 and a second test was given in the 3rd term.
    • Students calculated their own grades, recording of maths skills in other subjects were evaluated through surveys.

Other aspects of teaching & learning:

      • Other aspects of teaching and learning across the curriculum were evaluated such as group work, familiarity with AFL strategies, sharing of methodologies and use of IT in the classroom

1.2 School context

Our Lady’s College is an urban, all girls voluntary secondary school under the trusteeship of CEIST. There are currently 970 students in the school with a teaching staff of 56 teachers and 6-part time staff. Programmes offered include the Junior Certificate, Leaving Certificate, Transition Year and LCA. Parents were very active in their role through the parent’s council and contributed financially at the end of the school year. The core team has been established with representatives from a variety of subjects and disciplines. We have 38 feeder schools in our catchment area.
